By Cashney Phaka
Most people are not sure of which career path to follow and it becomes hard for them to know exactly what they want to do in life.
Choosing a career path is not a hard thing to do. You must just focus on what you are good at – focus on your strengths, avoid your weaknesses, improve on your abilities and do the things you are passionate about. In most cases people fall in love with what they regard as a hobby and forget to change that hobby to a career.
Being passionate about something means having or showing strong feelings of enthusiasm for something or belief regardless of the pressure you may be under. A hobby is an activity that you do for pleasure when you are not working. Your weaknesses may be turned into strengths by learning to equip yourself and becoming greater with your abilities – your hobby can be turned into a career and you do not have to work another day.
When you are passionate about your hobby, you can change that to your career. If you are good at that hobby, stick to it and make a better for yourself out of it.