By Sharon Phiri
Leaders must not own people, they must lead them. Good leadership is not about crushing the voices of the people, but it’s about listening to them, hearing their cries and finding solutions.
It hurts me when our leaders constantly blame the West or outside forces for all our problems. Yes, we have been oppressed but when will we stop blaming the outside world and find solutions for all the problems we face as society.
If only our leaders listened to the masses, many of our issues could be solved.
Our parents are unemployed, surprisingly foreign nationals who come to our country seeking refuge are employed and some own businesses, businesses that are not registered to improve our economy and encourage the growth that we so need.
As learners we are being taught how to write curriculum vitaes (CV) s to be job seekers instead of being taught how to write a business plan, start our own businesses and create the many jobs that the National Development Plan speaks to.
Our leaders are afraid of change. We need a more vocal new generation of leaders that will speak up and change the mistakes that our leaders are making. The high prevalence of teenage pregnancy, drug & substance abuse, and crime in our communities in normal now. The question is can we ever overcome this?
The answer is a big ‘YES’. It is time to stop the poverty and say, ‘enough is enough’, we want success in our lives, and we mean it. Giving up is not an option, we need to strive for our success together. We can, yes we can!