By Mzukona Mantshontsho,
The need for excellence in business has to be taken seriously. Brand builders need to stand against bland and fight for the markets they want to be in.
“The world has changed; you no longer have to say to consumers; “Here is a burger and chips!! and expect them to buy, consumers can never be dictated to anymore because they will tweet about your product offering or service. Castle Milk Stout beer will never be ‘cool’, whatever the amount of money you can inject into making the beer ‘cool’,” said Sylvester Chauke, Chief Architect at DNA Brand Architects, talking about brands and what they should mean to brand builders and the consumers.
The bottom line in any business is a return on the investment put into that business.
Brand Builders should remember the following about consumers of a particular brand:
- There is nothing wrong with theories learnt at branding school, but the application of the theories is vital – consumers don’t have to be ignored if you catering for them – the brand must have a personality that the consumers like, it must not just be on paper, but the brand must live that personality, for its survival,
- Whether a brand is doing well or not, consumers must be talking about it and wanting to share with others,
- Brand Builders must always be honest about the brand,
- Brands need to be taken to places they have never been before – last year’s plans must remain last year’s plans,
- Brands must breakthrough and gain a bigger share of the minds of the consumer,
- Brand Builders must always be nervous about the brand and its success for the brand to remain relevant,
- Brands have to be engaging, brands have to change attitudes and mindsets, not literally though,
- Brands have to be fresh,
- Brands need to be brave and ask the uncomfortable questions, SO WHAT? Let me have it, either way, should the action taken by the consumer,
- Approval of budgets for a particular brand, must be done by a consumer of that product or service – budgets for brands meant for young people need to be approved by young people for those brands to succeed,
- Brands must build communities that the consumers must relate to –imagine the Coca-Cola bottles and cans with people’s name on.
- We are in the middle of a revolution, so brands must be memorable in all the social media platforms,
- Brand consumers must trust the brand.
In conclusion, Chauke made the following recommendations when selling a brand to young people: “Brands must and should be business solutions. Brands must create CRUSHES! Crushes stand for: Coolness, Realness, Uniqueness, Happiness and Self-identification with the brand. Knowing what we know now about the youth that they are a pretty stressed bunch; stressed about school, money, getting sex. The youth is a very difficult market with popular culture competing with brand builders”.
“So, brand builders should help young people look good, feel good, be the man, be the in girl, get them popular and add value to young people.
How? Explore their enthusiasm, listen to young people, understand what drives young people and BE THE YOUNG PERSON”.