V-Day, One Billion Rising and A Call to Men have launched the Dismantle Patriarchy Contest, which is open to high school students (US based) and college/university students (worldwide). Ten winners from each category will receive a $1,000 (USD) prize.
The high school submissions have been extended and are now due by 15 April 2022.
The college/university submissions have been extended and are now due by 5 May 2022.
The contest challenges youth to envision how they might change the larger societal system of patriarchy to create an accepting society through visual art, music, essay, story, poetry, video, photography and beyond.
Address how patriarchy impacts your life, your community, the world. How might we dismantle – take apart, break into pieces, deconstruct – patriarchy? What would it take? Bring your creative voice to this contest!
Tell us, in whatever creative method reflects your project, and you just might win an award for your idea. Experiment. Think outside the box. Break down patriarchy and show us what a post-patriarchal world looks like. Articulate your vision using all the creative tools at your disposal.
We want to reach as many students as possible. Please inform high school students, college/university students and campus contacts you know & share on social media.
Students can enter the Dismantle Patriarchy Contest at vday.link/DismantlePatriarchy.