By Mzukona Mantshontsho,
Ignatia Thokwana was born in Soweto and got into the chicken business coincidentally.
“I had been toying with the idea of starting my own business and was looking at franchise options I could buy into. Whilst doing my research, a consultant I met and a cousin of mine talked me into chicken farming and how I could supply various retail outlets and make money in the process,” said Thokwana.
She has no prior business training in chicken farming, so informal training and learning on the job has kept her going. “My journey in chicken farming has not been easy as you need land to be a successful farmer, the land requires money. I currently have one employee who is helping me with feeding the chickens and have a dream of getting myself land so I can farm profitably,” she added.
As the business is new, Ignatia is using ‘word of mouth’ from her clients to be brand ambassadors of her business. Word of mouth marketing is about being great to your customers, who will subsequently talk about you when they like your brand and the product you offer. Satisfied customers will help grow your business. And the best part is, it’s free!
Remember that customer service drives word of mouth. This has a profound implication for your organisation. Recognise that customer service is not an expense but a way to generate positive word of mouth. Investing in customer service generates a positive return on investment. As Oscar Wilde said, “There is only one thing in the world worse than being talked about, and that is not being talked about”.
Summary of Business Insights from Ignatia Thokwana:
Passion in the business you do will take you places,
As much as government is helping young people through the NYDA for instance, find and take opportunities in business,
Volunteer to work with someone who is in business, that is how you will learn,
As much as you own the business, be involved in the business; get your hands dirty,
Be a go getter and don’t believe things are impossible.