We are in the process of producing a romantic comedy (rom-com) movie, we are excited to engage with you from the making.
We are an independent South African streaming service with a passion for telling incredible stories about the lives of ordinary people. Our team comprises of, Writers, Directors and Executive Producers among other capabilities.
I am reaching out to you to seek your support for making the movie a reality, we aim to release the Movie 16 December 2022, filming from August 2022.
Our objective is to raise R600K by 1 July 2022 to produce and publish this movie on our platform.
You can contribute any amount from as low as R100. You can also share with your friends and family to help us reach the goal.
A weekly report will be available on our website from 9 June 2022
Our profile and previous/current work is available here.
We’re incredibly grateful for your support – We are financed by your generous donations.
First National Bank
Acc : 62715325579
Current/Cheque Account Ref: Your mobile number
Themba Ndala
Executive Producer 078 5555 955