By Tumi Sibanda
Young people around the world are often labelled “the future”.
This is a positive label which comes with a huge responsibility. The expectation is that young people will carry their countries into a brighter and better future be it in education, health, sports, business or any other area of importance for their countries. The same is true for South Africa.
In South Africa we have challenges of inequality, unemployment and poverty. If young people are the future, they then have to prepare themselves for the responsibility of dealing with these three challenges. To carry out this responsibility successfully, young people will need to get ready now!
As a young person reading this article, you may be asking questions like:
• As young people, do we know what is expected from us (now and in future) in solving these challenges of inequality, unemployment and poverty?
• Do we know what our contribution will be in carrying South Africa into the future beyond inequality, unemployment and poverty?
• Are we ready or equipped to make a meaningful contribution towards eliminating these three challenges?
• What preparation should we be putting in place to contribute meaningfully to carry South Africa out of these three challenges into a brighter and better future?
These are reflective questions which young people in South Africa need to answer truthfully if they are to make a meaningful contribution in fighting inequality, unemployment and poverty.
Entrepreneurship is often seen as part of the solution for solving these three challenges. Entrepreneurship is a process where business owners (entrepreneurs) start and run businesses with the purpose of generating profit. I addition to generating profit, entrepreneurship also contributes meaningfully in catering for the needs of society.
A good starting point for young people is to learn about entrepreneurship so ensure meaningful participation. The following are key things to note about entrepreneurship:
• Successful entrepreneurs are committed to identifying needs in society or immediate communities and come up with appropriate solutions to satisfy those needs.
• Entrepreneurs are passionate about making a difference.
• Entrepreneurs are innovative/creative in solving societal challenges.
• Entrepreneurs are willing to put in the required time and work required to build successful businesses.
• Entrepreneurs are willing to commit to continuous learning.
• Real entrepreneurs are committed to doing business legally and ethically.
• Successful entrepreneurs understand the importance of good knowledge and application of financial management in business.
• Successful entrepreneurs understand the value of having patience in building a successful business instead of engaging in instant gratification like get rich quick schemes.
• Entrepreneurs are committed to contribute in job creation.
• Entrepreneurs are open to making mistakes and learning from those mistakes.
Knowledge on its own is not helpful. So, starting to participate in entrepreneurship is for young people the key next step to take. Starting where you are with what you have.
Tumi Sibanda: Life & Business Coach, Inspirational Speaker and Author. Founder at Coaching for Dreams